Telus World of Science, Edmonton

Edmonton's Telus World of Science is a pretty cool place. It opened in 1984 (hard to believe I was still in high school!) as a replacement for the Queen Elizabeth Planetarium (which is still standing, but in a state of disrepair). In addition to housing it's own planetarium, it also offers a huge, IMAX theatre that airs nature and astronomy themed shows, as well as offering excellent, interactive … [Read more...]

Peter Hemingway Fitness & Leisure Centre

I've been wanting to photograph the Peter Hemingway Fitness and Leisure CentreĀ for quite some time and finally spent a few minutes there this afternoon. I envisioned this in black and white and am happy with how it turned out. It's a fascinating structure - both inside and out. There is really nothing like swimming under natural light in a structure supported by massive cables! Peter Hemingway was … [Read more...]