Northern Joshua Tree
Snug as a Bug in a Rug…
...or a truck under a blanket of snow, as the case may be. … [Read more...]
Wishing Your Life Away
"I wish winter would end. I wish summer were here". I hear this sort of thing quite often here in sunny, but often cold, Alberta. Don't wish your life away. You live in Alberta - home of amazingly beautiful winters. Make the most of it! … [Read more...]
Beauty… Hidden in Plain Sight
Some of the images I'm most fond of are the ones I've taken right outside my front door... or back door as the case may be. Today's post is a perfect example. These two photos are macro (close-up) images of ice formations with snowflakes stuck to them. I took them just feet from the back entrance to my office (Telus Plaza, Edmonton). The beauty in these images goes mostly unnoticed simply because … [Read more...]