5 Day B&W Photo Challenge | Day 1

Jon Rendell tagged me on the b&w challenge a couple of weeks ago, and now I've been tagged by Jeremy Witteveen. However, because I've been transitioning from Apple's Aperture to Adobe Lightroom, I've decided to revisit some of my favourite b&w's to see how well I can reprocess them in Lightroom. I also thought I'd provide a bit of commentary for each image, to give my readers some insight … [Read more...]

Light Bender

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Warp Core Containment

I'm fairly certain Edmonton's Corona ETS station was created out of someone's desire to pay homage to sci-fi movies. I love it. … [Read more...]

Imagining Particle Physics

ETS tunnels are undoubtedly among the most photographed things in Edmonton. Great lines! … [Read more...]

Ghost Train

This is my most favorited photo on Flickr, and is entirely the outcome of planning. The photo was taken in the Central ETS station which I walk through on the way to and from work. To achieve this shot, I timed the train travelling past me to the next station (Bay Station). Calculating this at 30 seconds, I metered and waited. Nailed it in one shot! Huzzah! … [Read more...]