A couple of these have been posted before, but most have not. I hope you enjoy these - some of my favourite images of the people I had the pleasure of meeting in Cuba. … [Read more...]
They Invited Me Into Their Home And Opened My Heart
While in Matanzas I took a drive up the hill to an area that overlooked much of the city, and found a perfect place to park and street to explore. The first home I saw was an incredibly dilapidated structure that I was utterly convinced must be abandoned. I thought, "There's no way someone could live here", and proceeded to take photos of the exterior. A few minutes of photo taking, and my … [Read more...]
I Rented a Car Just to Visit This Building
Well, not only this building but, when I saw it, I exclaimed out loud "I have to come back here with my camera!". You see, we'd driven through Matanzas as part of a Jeep Safari tour (highly recommended!) where I couldn't stop to take photos, hence my desire to return and linger in what turned out to be a very beautiful and interesting city. Some of my favourite images - of people and places - … [Read more...]