White Velvet
Sequel to the Bridges of Madison County
What - you've never heard of The Clothes Lines of Havana City? … [Read more...]
If You Visit Cuba…
...and don't take a photo of an old man smoking a cigar, did you really visit Cuba? I think the smoke rings floating around him are a nice touch. … [Read more...]
Classic Cars of Cuba
It really wouldn't be a Cuba trip without posting at least a few photos of classic cars, now would it? … [Read more...]
Human Perch
There have to be millions of balconies in Havana. While wandering the streets there, if you look up, you can watch people watching people. Sometimes there are extra surprises up there, like this balcony which doesn't look like it would be a good match for someone with even a mild case of vertigo. As always, clicking on the image will enlarge it. Comments are welcome! … [Read more...]
Looking From Malecon Drive Into Old Havana
This is one of those black and white photos that can make totally geek out over the monochromatic tones and textures within the image. I can stare at all those shadows and highlights for a loooong time without getting the least bit bored. As always, click on the image to enlarge it nice and big. … [Read more...]