Most of the homesteads I find aren’t on existing farmyards. Most are located in the middle of fields far away from the current farm’s residents.
I happened on this old beauty on the way back from a long drive down south in the Trochu area (home of lots of big windmills). I was driving along a gravel road and saw this house out of the corner of my eye. Well, I practically slammed on the brakes I was so impressed. However, as it was part of the farmer’s yard, I was hesitant to stop – some people get a little bit nervous when strangers with cameras drive into their yards!
Well, as it turns out, these folks had already spotted me, and were undoubtedly already nervous so I decided to drive in, if nothing other than to show that I wasn’t there to rob them.
After a slightly awkward introduction, I followed the owner to the old house where he explained it had been his childhood home, and told me how he and his wife had attempted to keep it up for a time, but that time was winning. We had a really nice chat until he had to run off and corral some livestock which had escaped. Then, I took my photos, handed over one of my cards and offered to email them some photos (which I already have done).
You gotta like Albertans.
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